One-to-one Pilates

One-to-one Rehabilitation Pilates

Whatever your level: a novice or experienced Pilates practitioner, Jenny will help you improve your technique, redress imbalances in your body or help you get stronger, more flexible and progress you towards your own movement goals. 
Contact to discuss

Our individual support will help you achieve your goals

One-to-one tailored recovery programs

Jenny works with you on a one-to-one basis to support your recovery from injury or illness, using the World-leading APPI method of rehabilitation Pilates; specifically modified to be safe for the general population.  She will firstly explore what you are trying to achieve. Taking into account any current issues or conditions she assesses your physical movement patterns then works up a program tailored specifically for you.

Whether you're just starting out or need guidance to recover from an injury or illness, she creates activity programs specifically to move you towards your physical activity goals. She is flexible in her approach and offers face-to-face sessions either in your home or online. Please note the initial assessment will be carried out in person; thereinafter a combination of online and in person sessions may be suggested.

Working at your speed and ability she adapts each session to be accessible and challenging so you progress towards achieving your goals. For more information, see how Jenny works.
Instructing the basics of Pilates

Get started

Ever wanted to try Pilates but don't know enough about it? The 'Get Started' program will teach you the basics, so you are ready to practice it on your own or go to classes with confidence.
Learning to realign your posture

Realign your posture

Daily activities or one off incidents can affect our posture, making us hold ourselves and move in unnatural ways. Learning how to regain your natural stance and movement patterns will restore balance and posture. 
How to relieve everyday pain

Relieve everyday pain

Stiff joints and aching muscles often prevent us from  moving, causing a vicious cycle of pain and immobility. Loosening tight areas and reactivating surrounding muscles can relieve everyday aches, allowing us to become free-moving and stronger. 
Aiding recovery from illness or injury

Recovery from injury or illness

If injury or illness has stopped you moving, the body forgets how it should work. Gentle and targeted activity will help to restore your normal movement so you can get back on with your life.
Specific aspects on training of Pilates

Technique booster

Have you attended Pilates classes but not sure if you're doing them correctly?  Perhaps you are training for a specific goal: climb a mountain or attempt a muddy 5k. Jenny will take you step by step through how to achieve the most from each exercise, to build your strength in the places you'll need it.
Working with specific conditions

Specific conditions

Weaknesses in one part of your body, no matter how caused, can create issues elsewhere. Jenny defines where the issues lies then strengthens or realigns these area. She works with clients with Multiple Sclerosis, Scoliosis, those susceptible to Osteoporosis, herniated discs and other conditions causing muscular-skeletal imbalances.

How Jenny works

Jenny creates Pilates-based programs tailored to fit into your daily life and help achieve your movement goals!
You need no previous experience of Pilates!

In our initial consultation we will discuss how issues have affected you and what you would like to achieve - in layman's terms! We will then get straight into checking your current movement patterns with a few exercises, plus taking you through the basics of safe Pilates exercise.

Jenny will design a program, made up of face-to-face in person or online sessions and home practice sets, to move you towards your goals, targeting the areas needing attention and taking into account any improvements or additional issues along the way. Programs may involve strengthening your core or limb muscles, increasing flexibility or evening out imbalances throughout your whole body. If you are undergoing treatment with a health professional their diagnosis and remedial plan will be incorporated to quicken your recovery. 

Every face-to-face session is aimed at your pace and level. Each movement is demonstrated first, then explained with visual cues or by guiding the movement. Feedback is given on your progress along the way and the next session is adapted accordingly, taking into account how your body is reacting. 

Exercise mats and aids are provided for individual home visits. To practice between sessions, you will need your own equipment. If you don't have your own, we suggest purchasing high quality equipment.

Jenny carries out assessments in the comfort of your own home, but may then offer subsequent sessions as individual live online or in person sessions and/or give advice as part of your personal plan: making Pilates movements less of a chore and more of a way of life!

Ask how Jenny can help you!

See how Jenny can support our recovery

Jenny works with you and at your pace, creating a bespoke program of adapted movements that are as individual as you!
Call to make an appointment
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