
What is Pilates?

Pilates is a gentle form of exercise that strengthens core muscles to create stability and balance within the structural muscles of the body. Although often used as a generic form of exercise, Adaptive Pilates specialises in its use for rehabilitation purposes. Ask if it can help you!
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Joseph Pilates

"Physical fitness is the attainment and maintenance of a uniformly developed body with a sound mind fully capable of naturally, easily, and satisfactorily performing our many and varied daily tasks"

Pilates was created by Joseph Hubertus Pilates. Born in  Germany in 1883 as a child he suffered from various illnesses.

Determined to get stronger, he studied gymnastics, Zen Buddhism and eastern physical regimes. From these learnings he practiced a program of movements which earnt him a job as a model for anatomy charts at age 14!

Joseph continued studying all forms of exercise, including boxing, skiing, dance and yoga. He used elements of each to create his famous  system of 37 movements, exercising the whole body, which he called Contrology. 
Even when he was interned during the second World War he taught other camp members his exercise regime. When transferred to a hospital on the Isle of Mann he continued teaching, using the tension of bed springs to increase load and target specific muscles. 

Being altruistic, he wanted his knowledge to be used as widely as possible. He passed his findings onto a number of students, who subsequently went on to develop his teachings in their own way. This has lead to different forms of Pilates being created, for example: STOTT, Polestar, Body Control and the rehabilitation method of APPI.

Jenny is APPI Qualified

Jenny originally qualified with the APPI as a Comprehensive Matwork Instructor. She continues to train in specific conditions, such as Scoliotic spine curvatures and Osteoporotic reduction in bone density. She adapts her knowledge of Pilates to aid the physical rehabilitation of her clients.

The Australian Physiotherapy and Pilates Institute (APPI)

Traditional Pilates exercise - modified

The APPI has modified the original Joseph Pilates exercises to be safe for the general public.  Its method uses modern physiotherapy techniques and the latest research. It takes into account that clients may have different abilities, but also that they need to have something to aspire to. This method is therefore ideal for rehabilitation programs, since it offers a number of levels to cater for differing abilities, yet provides options for progression.

Certificate Matwork Pilates Instructor

The Matwork Pilates Instructor Course covers the teaching of matwork level 1, 2 and 3. Participants also study the body's anatomy and physiology. This gives an all round understanding of how each exercise activates the relevant muscle groups. This knowledge can then be applied to create client-specific programs of activity to help them achieve their goals.

How can Pilates help you move better?

Find out how Jenny's APPI experience can benefit you!

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